Les Amours de Ronsard – Second Livre

Les Amours de Marie

See also La Mort de Marie
Ronsard opens his second book in a rather arch & knowing style. While the first book is essentially between him and Cassandre, as he begins the 2nd book he is constantly addressing his poems and symptoms to third parties, providing an ironic commentary on his own infatuation. Fortunately, after he has greeted enough of his friends, he settles down into something more sincere and ‘natural’; and in a less ‘learned’ style than his first book …
The contrast between the first and second books was commented on (unfavourably) by his fellow-poet Estienne Pasquier in a letter:  “When our Ronsard wrote his first love-poems to his Cassandre, believe me, he was inimitable since he had appointed himself the sole task of his own pleasure [“il n’avoit autre objet que de se contenter soy-mesmes”]. However since he has begun to write poems to Marie and Hélène in order to please the Court, I no longer feel I’m reading Ronsard when I read his work.” (translation: Margaret McGowan). Though Pasquier is clearly prejudiced here, pursuing a rather modern view about the poet’s duty to be true to himself, I find myself in some sympathy with him even if ‘modern studies of Ronsard’s love poetry have largely undermined this charge’ (McGowan, ‘Ideal Forms in the Age of Ronsard’, 1985).
In his second book of Amours, Ronsard allowed himself greater licence to break up the sequence of sonnets with verse in different forms – madrigals, chansons, even in one case a 300-line pastoral!  These are inserted (unnumbered) into the sequence – see below for the order – but for convenience I have given them a number too, showing which sonnet they come after, so that (e.g.) 6a comes after sonnet 6; and 6c is the third poem inserted between sonnets 6 and 7.
There’s also another numbering point to note: Marty-Laveaux and Blanchemain don’t always agree whether a poem is a sonnet or a madrigal (i.e. a sonnet with an extra line or two), so numberings diverge from sonnet 8 (a madrigal in Blanchemain) onwards. The numbers below are Marty-Laveaux’s.
Elégie à son livre
Sonnet 1 (and here)
Madrigal (1a)
Sonnet 2
Chanson (2a)
Sonnet 3
Sonnet 4
Sonnet 5
Sonnet 6
Madrigal (6a)
Madrigal (6b)
Chanson (6c)
Sonnet 7
Sonnet 8
Sonnet 9 (and here)
Sonnet 10
Sonnet 11
Sonnet 12
Sonnet 13
Sonnet 14
Sonnet 15
Sonnet 16
Sonnet 17
Sonnet 18
Chanson (18a)
Chanson (18b)
Sonnet 19
Sonnet 20
Sonnet 21
Sonnet 22
Sonnet 23
Sonnet 24
Sonnet 25
Chanson (25a)
Chanson (25b)
Sonnet 26
Sonnet 27
Sonnet 28
Chanson (28a)
Chanson (28b)
Sonnet 29
Sonnet 30
Sonnet 31
Chanson (31a)
Sonnet 32
Sonnet 33
Sonnet 34
Madrigal (34a)
Sonnet 35
Sonnet 36
Sonnet 37
Sonnet 38
Chanson (38a)


Word doc of

these 52 poems

Le Voyage de Tours

ou, Les amoureux

pt 1  pt 2  pt 3



Sonnet 39
Sonnet 40
Sonnet 41
Sonnet 42 (and here)
Sonnet 43
Sonnet 44
Sonnet 45 (madrigal)
Sonnet 46
Sonnet 47
Sonnet 48
Chanson  (48a)
Sonnet 49
Chanson  (49a)
Chanson  (49b)
Sonnet 50
Sonnet 51
Sonnet 52
Sonnet 53
Sonnet 54
Sonnet 55
Sonnet 56
Chanson  (56a)
Sonnet 57
Sonnet 58
Sonnet 59
Chanson  (59a)
Sonnet 60
Sonnet 61
Chanson  (61a)
Chanson  (61b)
Sonnet 62
Sonnet 63
Sonnet 64
Chanson  (64a)
Sonnet 65
Sonnet 66
Chanson  (66a)
Sonnet 67
Chanson  (67a)
Amourette  (67b)
La Quenoille  (67c)
Chanson  (67d)
Chant des Sereines  (67e)
Chanson  (67f)
Sonnet 68
Elégie à Marie  (68a)
Sonnet 69

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